Peace ❤️

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Hope you and yours are feeling better soon, Tara! Love you can see this bug’s sense of humor / timing. ;)

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Haha! Yes, much improved. Another upside was the cats’ enjoyment of more time with humans at home. 🙄

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Hope you’re feeling better, Tara, and everyone in your home. Sorry I missed this earlier. Was drowning in prep for a course inherited from a colleague. No excuse! Always enjoy whatever you write. Be well.

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Thank you, Julie. I know that back-to-school rush well. I think we are doing much better this week!

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Hello, Tara.

I wish you healing and strength to you and family. Vit D3&K is magic. :)


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Thank you, Julie! 🙏

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I applaud your good humour in facing the virus Tara… I pray when I return to school and the delight of all things shared in class in ten days that I too will be able to smile and laugh too!

Meanwhile I’m soaking up the necessary protection, mostly Vitamin D in the hope of high protection and wishing you and your family a speedy and easy recovery ! X

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Thank you, Susie! I hope you enjoy this last leg of summer and the full-force Vitamin D factory.

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Quiet reading and speedy healing to you and yours, Tara.

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Thank you, Elizabeth!

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Sending you big, big healing! 🙏❤️🙏❤️

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🥰 Thank you! 🤗

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🙏 plus 💤 for you. 😇

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Ahhh! That’s a lovely prescription. ❤️

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Love the mission of your Substack. And, FWIW, I think you fulfill that mission not only through your own posts but in your comments and Notes too. ❤️ Hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you, Dan! That's very kind.

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Wishing you all speedy recovery back to full health, Tara, and hope you can embrace stillness and rest to help with the healing. Much love ...

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Thank you, Rachel. Maybe it’s good to be reminded that going “full-tilt” is not required. ❤️

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Tara, sorry to hear you've been hit, and with such lousy timing. Hope you all recover quickly!

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Thank you, Peter. Fingers crossed and immune boosters on the job. 🤞🏼

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Feel better soon! The virus just finally left my home and we’re all longing for a dog days repeat sans the fever.:)

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We’re hoping it passes quickly. Hopefully your household can enjoy some glorious weather in good health.

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Get well soon Hon❤

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Thank you! 🙏

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Take good care!

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Thank you!

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Get well soon. Thanks for the adorable kitty photo 😻

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Thank you for sharing, Lorraine. I found that kitty irresistible, the picture of good health! 😂

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Hope you feel better soon!

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Thank you!

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