Sonnet 43 1/2, by Tara Penry. I like your serious play!

And thank you for including me. (Much!) I agree with Mr. Streeter's adaptation of the Dylan Thomas poem.

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Serious play is just right. Very glad to have your essay in the challenge! I love the direction you took it.

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Tara, to adapt very slightly another Dylan Thomas poem to express how we feel about your work here:

"You labour by singing light

Not for ambition or bread

Or the strut and trade of charms

On the ivory stages

But for the common wages

Of our most secret heart."

In My Craft or Sullen Art


Thank you!

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Oh, that poem is perfect! A volley of wit and verse is more than Dylan imagined. I guess that’s common wages plus inflation. Lucky all of us to have such fun. My pleasure.

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Wow, so collaboration on Substack is a way of index linking our enjoyment of literature? 😊

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That’s it. We knew those remembered poems would come in handy someday! “And fit audience find, though few.” - Paradise Lost 😂

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Thank you so much for compiling this excellent list AND for creating a sonnet for us. I love the image captions, well done!

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Those captions were especially fun. Thank you for sending “David” to enchant again.

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Lovely round up. 🥰🙏

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Thank you. All pre-enjoyed and quality tested by me. ;-)

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I will join on August 27th, as I explained earlier if what I'm offering is okay: Here's my offer: Will tag you from my personal site. The post will also appear on Inner Life, Tara without the tag. Is that okay? ~ Mary

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Yes, very much. I'll add your post, and anyone reading this who wants to save a little enchantment for later can subscribe to you to be sure to get it hot off the digital press. :-)

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Oh, thank you, love. I also sent you an email, in case you didn't see this. Sorry for the dupe! xoxo big time. You are a treasure.

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How fabulous, your parting gift!

A mind ablaze, an eye for sparks

Your heart these enchantments sifts

Wondrous worlds hit their sweet mark.

Thank you, Tara! I look forward to reading many of these and so appreciate your community spirit (and the reference to Browning).

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Don't you love thinking in verse? When it comes easily, I know I'm spending my time doing the right things with the right people. 😂

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Not wishing to diminish myself any more than is necessary in the light of your brillance Tara, I will just say quietly, I agree 💯 with Julie… 🙏🏽

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Haha! Thank you, Susie. I see no diminishing anywhere on this page - only expansion and delight. ;-)

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Goodness, good stuff ... I am reminded of good places ...

This was afternoon here ... so off the top of my head, humbly with gratitude

The Returning Book

Let me count the moons

With rhymes on fingers and toes

The soul among trees

The lute his song ...

Countenance here

The book returned

A bubbling source,

Her running steps

Shall say, ‘Go thee alway’


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Go thee alway - Yes, and yes!

I love these community projects for extending the "alway" of enchantment beyond my own imaginings. May we all jump in. :-)

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This is SO FREAKING CLEVER, Tara!! You've outdone even yourself -- and I seriously did not think that possible.

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Awwww! Yay!!

Picture me dancing around my kitchen like those pictures of Snoopy in Peanuts, like frame 3 in the first comic here. (I don't think I can get a picture in a comment.) 😂 ❤️


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Another wonderful community project, Tara!

Wrinkle in Time - yes, me too! I recently read it again when a family friend gave me a beautiful edition. Then, that whole bit about the tesseract came up whilst reading Solenoid by Cartarescu and wow, it took on a whole new meaning for me!

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Thank you, Kate! Ooo, I haven't read Solenoid. Is it a must for former Wrinkle in Time devotees?

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It’s completely different but part of it builds on the tesseract. Nathan Slake and I did a post on it, since we found it to be a mind blowing book!

I love my pretty Wrinkle copy and am eager for my son to read it in a couple years 🤗

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This looks like the post, yes? I'll put a link here for myself to come back to later and for anyone else who's curious about the book that moved Nathan so much: https://thematterhorn.substack.com/p/no-novel-ever-gave-us-a-path?utm_source=publication-search

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Yes, that’s the one! Thanks ☺️ and it certainly works with your initiative.

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Enchanted by your poem and these wonderful contributors!

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Right?! If you extend this invitation again, one of us will surely cite Sonnet 43 1/2 as the source of our enchantment.

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🤣 🤣

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Thank you, Jill! The essays surprise and delight.

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This is absolutely delightful, Tara. I love your inspired collaborations. Bravo to you and all contributors. Sonnet 43 1/2 is wonderful. Thank you all

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Thank you, Jackie! The posts are awfully good to savor slowly, as tends to be the case with these collabs. Glad you enjoyed the sonnet. :-)

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Oh, this is wonderful! I’ve had a busy two weeks so I could not look to contribute to this project, but I love it so much. I actually do have an idea now regarding a poem I love that mentions EB White and the experience of reading Charlotte’s Web to my two youngest daughters. Thank you for the inspiration!

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Glad you enjoy it! A family summer can be fiercely busy. I hope you'll decide to share your poem some time.

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Just catching up on my Substack reading now. What a lovely project!

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If you have an essay in your archive that fits, attach a link here, and I'll be glad to include it while I'm getting the compilation ready this weekend. You can still go back and fine-tune or edit before it goes out to subscribers on Monday. Just in case this speaks to you .... I love the little waves of resonance that creep in between the posts. :-)

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Ooooo! Some great ones to explore. Anam Cara is a longtime fave.

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Yes, I’ve been thinking about getting that one and haven’t yet. Good post! :-)

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