Tara this is brilliant.

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Thank you, Donna. ❤️ ❤️

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very excited to follow this project, and to be nominated for the August issue!

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Day 1 and the next issue is already shaping up to be a beauty. ❤️

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I love your idea, Tara. And thank you so much for mentioning my story! I am humbled. 😊

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You made it look like 50 words is all a story needs. 😲 Looking forward to your next reader challenge!

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Love this! What a clever idea! 🥰

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"I’m delighted to invite you to bring your camping gear, a spell book or camera, and a cast iron pot for brewing potions. Stay as long as you like. The bats don’t tweet or bite."

This made me smile, especially since we were talking about camping in the garden during Jane's challenge. I have two tents, one is very liveable, you can stand in it, but has a broken pole, which I've not got around to replacing. The second is probably what I'll take out this year - it's smaller and cosy. I'm planning Monday as the moving out of the house day for the MidSummer Creative Retreat. (Great to see it featured in your Enchanted Forest).

The second reason I smiled is because it is exactly how I imagine The Fiertzeside looks, except that there is already a cauldron brewing.

I'm looking forward to the fifth in the Ivy & Ixos saga. It's new for me to read something that's been serialised. It's like those old days when you weren't able to binge a TV series and had to wait a whole week for the next episode!

Don't know if you've read it yet, but the inaugural edition of the Books that Made Us is superb.

I love the idea of The Enchanted Forest and the whole concept of your blog. I used to follow someone on Instagram who looked for one beautiful thing every day and talked about how it changed her life. Looking for enchantment daily I'm sure would have a transformative effect in the longer term.

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Hello, Safar! Your Fiertzeside looks like it's simmering nicely, getting ready to dish up to visitors. I just checked out the Books that Made Us post (on Lolita) this morning. Yes, spot-on. What a difference to browse Substack (or Instagram, or the world) for enchantment. Yes, it's a transformative way of seeing. I do like how my sense of purpose here on Substack has changed since I started posting regularly on this topic in February. My first focus had a particular way of seeing books, but by letting myself write what seems most exciting, I'm finding quite a few enchanted paths, not just the original one. :-)

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Thanks Tara! I've been working hard on those first few posts, keep changing my mind, rewriting etc. It's going to be hard to press that publish button, there's so much amazing stuff here on Substack. I keep telling everyone about it - getting to be a stuck record!

It's interesting what you're saying about how your own stack has evolved (like you're being magically enchanted). Writing really does have a life of its own. With fiction, the characters have control not me. I talk about them like they are real entities not figments of my imagination. I'm glad I waited before launching as I kept asking myself what do I really want to do with a newsletter and why. Suddenly one day it jumped at me. The more I followed that direction, the more excited (and nervous) I became. It'll be interesting what divergent paths it takes as it grows. I'm late to yours, so have been finding my way round - love what I see so far. I'm looking forward to reading more.

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I started drafting for this website back at the solstice of 2022, put things up, took them down, changed the name a couple of times, all in the "No" mode for searchability in settings, so I could just try things. It was February 2023 when I decided I was ready to stick with a name, publish regularly, become active in comments, and let others find what I was doing. It takes whatever time it takes. Your approach, visible, artful, and anticipating, is also a good one. Every good soup has its own cooking time.

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Was that the summer or winter solstice? That sounded like a good tactic, to play around with it a bit in a safe place. It seems to have paid off ! Love your analogy!

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Hah! Summer! It was forever... but school was in session so the time flew. 🤣

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Love this idea and I’ll check out your nominations!

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Thank you, Reena! Anything you see this month that enchants you on Substack, go ahead and Restack and and tag me, and I will set it aside for the August issue that is growing nicely. :-) If you haven't seen it yet, there is also a call for stories or poems about any time we've been "Enchanted" by a book. It's a friendly contest closing Thursday, here: https://open.substack.com/pub/enchantedinamerica/p/the-enchanted-book-contest-enter?r=1mk0zn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web . ✨

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Ooh! Very cool. I’ve noted both. Thanks Tara.

PS. I don’t know if you know but your name means star in Hindi. ❤️

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I have heard that. Thank you. It does seem a little finer than being named for a hill of Irish dirt. ;-)

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