Jan 8Liked by Tara Penry

Beautiful winter garden images!

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Thank you! 🙏🏼

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Jan 8Liked by Tara Penry

What a lovely and gentle reflection.

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Glad you enjoyed it. ✨

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But we troublesome two-leggers like to contend with water. We like to paddle our little boats through when it is jubilantly obeying the laws of hydraulics and gravity. When strong winds push it into swells and waves, we carry on regardless until it almost overcomes us and then we pour a libation of oil to break its tension and it becalms itself around us. All the while, none of those who live within the water have the least concern.

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This reminds me of a certain gunwale-gripping contention with water I took once. Stayed away from similar vessels thereafter. I'll take the book version. :-)

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Adventure is often like that. I prefer reading Moby Dick x 1000 over being a scurvy ravaged impressed sailor kept numb on a daily ration of grog watching the great white whale thrash its tormentors. Others might disagree, but I’m grateful for the book.

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I was thinking of Moby Dick too. Scurvy, aye!

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Moldy hardtack, fish, fish, fish, and maybe an occasional ration of fresh blubber?

But, as people like to remind us, you got to see the world!

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A nice reminder that winter can be a beautiful thing.

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Yes! Especially when there's a warm room not far away.

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Such a keen observation. I was just starting to make that connection myself.

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Love the pictures. I drove home from Donnelly this afternoon and the snowy landscape along the 55 was absolutely magical. I love the winter. It is the most solemn of the seasons.

The words you quote from the Tao Te Ching are perfect for the theme of Quiet Reading. I like the idea of not imposing our ego, fears, ambitions, illusions, and expectations upon the world, but simply (or perhaps not so simply) letting life flow through us as it will...what Alan Watts refers to as "the watercourse way."

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I’ll bet it was magical up there (and slow). 55 is one place to actively avoid the watercourse way, if the watercourse is a rocky river.

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Beautiful, Tara! Love the image of going where water goes - effortlessly, without struggle. I think of the Taoist concept of wu wei. I hope back to school week is going well.

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More snow this morning. If a nice Chinese etymologist chimed in here, we could find out if this Lao Tzu passage and wu wei have a common origin. Happy back to school to you!

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"Water no get enemy." :)

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Truth! :-)

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Exquisite. The images, the snow, the snow moon, the quiet reflection. Thank you for sharing during your quiet week.

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Thank you for singing the snow-tones back. 🎶 😊 And today: more snow and the school cancellation the kids have been hoping for.📷 I hope you find a snug piece of high ground.

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Those are the best days. Truly. I hope you all are enjoying some winter magic with a mug of hot cocoa perhaps.

Found higher ground!

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There's something about the unexpected drop of a short reminder in my inbox. Like it's not really YOU there, rather it is a being with kind eyes and working hands, wrapped in a cloak of moss. The words dust their way in, just like snow. Thank you!

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Beautiful, my fellow poet of the everyday! That dusting is just what the snow did on my welcome mat this morning, blowing in over night. 💨 🌨️

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I miss snow... 😭

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Blowing some your way .... :-)

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Jan 16Liked by Tara Penry

This is such a beautiful newsletter and I'm so thrilled to have found it! Thanks for sharing <3

Also, I have my own book newsletter (bookcrumbs) where I write super short book reviews that don't spoil a whole lot. There's also a song and film pairing for each book that fits the flavour profile™. Just sharing it here to get the word out :)

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Thank you, Mahika! Nice to know about your bookcrumbs and to help spread the word. 👍🏼😊

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Beautiful, Tara. I love the idea of the snow sitting in the lap of the plant!

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Thank you, Kathy. I’m noticing my yard is full of laps. Who knew?! ;-)

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