I'm confused about responding to notes on Substack and also about the enchanted list. Can you tell me where to find it and if this link below is included?


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Many thanks!

Plus I have a substack "like comments" issue for some reason, but fortunately can still "like" posts!

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Darned gremlins! Redundancy sounds like a good idea - to tag as many ways as possible so one gets through. :-)

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Your post is up. I'm revising guidelines to emphasize the tag of my name, which should work if the link-back to one of my posts does not (@TaraPenry). I would expect a link like the one you made to work, so I'll send out a Note in case others have the same issue. Thank you for bringing the problem to my attention. Here's the page where other posts will appear as I see them. https://tarapenry.substack.com/p/this-way-to-enchantment-by-books

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Thank you, S., for placing the link here. I'm not sure why your mentions of my post didn't turn up in my notifications. I'll see what I can find out about that. Meanwhile, your post will be on the enchanted page straightaway.

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This is such a wonderful, creative response to the troubles of the world. Really - it's such a balm for the soul. Thank you for facilitating this, Tara and for being a stand for enchantment, for positivity and for hope.

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This is high praise from a fellow writer of hope, positivity, creativity, and balm. I’ve been wondering about you. Hope you’re having some enchanted, creative time yourself.

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Ah, thank you so much for those thoughts, Tara. In truth, it's been quite a testing time but there have been, and are, moments of enchantment in there too, for which I'm grateful. We live in interesting times, indeed. Thank goodness for the collective power of creativity and connection. It is more important than ever. I hope your summer is unfolding well, even with everything going on in the world, and that the pause from academic duties fills your soul with nourishment. Much love.

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A testing time. There's a good way to put it. Yes, the pause from some things has been a big help in allowing more space in the days. It is so essential. ❤️

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So great to see you doing this again, Tara. I met so many lovely writers and books last year!

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Me, too. :-) There are plenty of reasons to be fearful right now, not enchanted. I hope we can keep a hold on our humanity and joy. Substack is full of this goodness.

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I think I was hooked on “Dick and Jane” at age 6!

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Childhood book-love can make great essays. Here's Ramona Grigg on an early love last year:


Just sayin' 🙄 Nudge, nudge. :-)

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Thanks for doing this. And for the mention! Miller’s Review is included in Part 2 of the BookStack Directory. I m not done yet and will include Diamond Michael, too!

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Should parts 1 and 2 of the directory have a paywall? That might be an auto-setting ... I love how you are organizing the directory around themes or clusters. This is much better than an alphabetical list by author or title. People can open one post and find the type of bookstack they want. Brilliant.

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No! Thanks for letting me know. I am at work but I’ll fix it tonight.

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Yay! My favorite community event. I don't think I will be able to write a new submission but I am going to edit my original one. I look forward to reading the submissions.

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I'm happy to link your submission from last year when you say the word. New readers will love it. Thank you for sharing the announcement. :-)

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So glad you’re doing this again! I still go back to the one I wrote last year about Marie Howe’s “Annunciation,” eg, a couple weeks ago when I once again was able to watch the sun spot move across the floor of the Pantheon. My first thought this time is the same book I wrote about for Mikey Rothwell’s Books That Made Us. Hmmmm. When I’m back in my routine next week, I’ll see. 🤔

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I’m confident you’ll have a beautiful idea that just unfolds on its own …. :-)

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What a great community building idea. I always love writing a good book post. Especially about a passage that makes me examine something in my own life.

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Agreed! It satisfies in a different way than purely analytical writing and editing, doesn’t it?

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Yes, but even more important it helps us articulate the feelings we have and look at how the author did that! So many times in our busy lives we rush through a book and move on to the next one. But the books that move us we can read a few times at different life stages and find something different each time:)

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So true! 🎯 I hope someone writes about multiple readings of a book. That would make a great essay. Enchantment one time, maybe not another. That could go in either direction. Never at a rush, though. You're right.

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I'll think about that. I've read The Alchemist at different times in life and felt that way.

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That sounds like a wonderful choice. You might hear from others about their readings, too. I’m already intrigued. :-)

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What an exciting challenge, and thought-provoking. My immediate thought goes to our exchange on Gift from the Sea as it's so fresh on my mind and heart. But your questions require more care.

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I look forward to whatever you decide. :-)

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Love it, Tara! I can’t wait to read everyone’s recommendations. 🩵

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Me too! Last year’s essays were so personal and moving that I knew I wanted to do this again.

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