Gripping, rare, and beautiful all at the same time. I liked the level of suspense. I didn't know what would come next, but since love was so prominent, I was willing to take whatever came next. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story of life.

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Thank you, Nancy! I felt like the speaker, May, would have buried the story even deeper if she could, but life drew it out of her. You are right that "love was so prominent." Yes - I felt that in the writing, more than any turn of plot or language. That was the compass direction to follow. Thank you for reading with trust, which I suppose is how I wrote. :-)

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Well done! Thoughtful with a touch of emotional suspense. I particularly liked your after comments, reminding us that creativity evolves… in an interesting way, your story came to life in time, it crafted itself. Much appreciated 👍

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Thank you, Conrad. I’m glad you enjoyed what for me was a novel, blindfolded, and very rewarding adventure.

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Beautiful, Tara! I was entranced and held by the unfolding revelations. I love the sense of mystery and at its heart: a love that can never be lost. And your afterward about how it evolved is fascinating.

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Thank you, Julie. You see why I was floored when I read yours. Our prompts tell me this kind of loss may be more common than I realized - a hurt that needs poetry.

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What a beautifully told story. You created such a deep sense of place with your descriptions of the sea. Thanks for being a part of the project this time.

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Thank you, Ben. I'm so glad you offered a summer version of "Same Walk."

I definitely had a specific place in mind. I loved your invitation to merge our own particulars with someone else's prompt.

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This was so beautiful and highlighted for me the fact that love and pain always coexist, and that's what makes each of them so exquisite. I loved it!

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I see this theme in your story, too. And hope!

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I'm so glad the hope came through, that's what I was really looking for! Leaving things (or people) behind can be so excruciating, and hope is so necessary to recovering and moving forward.

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You manage the high wire with heart and move to the depths of your character who listens and recalls.

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Thank you, Mary!

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Absolutely loved the descriptions of place in this story. And the relationship between the aunt and niece was beautiful.

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Thank you, Stephanie! It was a joy to write this. I'm looking forward to reading yours.

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Jul 5Liked by Tara Penry

Congratulations on branching into fiction writing! Really proud of you for exploring your creativity with your gift for writing ❤️🤗🎉!!

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Thanks, Daren. No question, it's as nice to explore new writing territory as it is to hike new trails. ⛰️ 🌲

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The ache of love, uncertainty, guilt, family, and possibly even of mac and cheese! You kept me spellbound Tara, held in a gentle web waiting to see where this story would go. I could feel myself scrambling in the water, unwilling to admit what may have been lost. I loved your story, thank you.

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Thank you, Donna, for this sensitive and sympathetic reading -- and for sharing. 🙏

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It's so difficult to find the relationship that helps you to become yourself. This is a great story about that quest.

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Thank you! That's a very nice description. :-)

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Filled with emotional unfolding… I read this this morning Tara, while I was digging over the tiny patch of garden I have left that’s not taken over entirely by wild flowers. I found a ring, a cheap and cheerful thing but I still had to turn it and check for sapphires!

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What a funny coincidence! I think I am going to go read in the garden about world peace and see what comes up. ;-)

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This is spellbinding. I love the line “The smile dribbled down her chin and disappeared into the small waves.” And “…I slid like a block of January ice toward the door of the hospital room. “. So evocative.

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Thank you! It's fun to see these lines pulled out on their own like this. They stand, don't they? This story was such a pleasure to write. I haven't spent much time writing fiction, but it's easy to get hooked.

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